63 votes Vote

make the video not to download automatically

Make an option to download this files or that files if there's 3 video on a single page. It's ridiculous as I had to stop those other two from downloading ..

PSYCHOv2 EiJi , 02.11.2010, 07:46

Have RipTiget analyze links from a web page and give me the option which one to download

It would be nice if RipTiger could also analyze a web page, list the videos available in that page and give me the option to select which ones to download form the page

Rami, 02.11.2010, 08:01
Response from the site administrator
RipTiger, 02.11.2010
This wouldn't work with many web-sites, because like I said previously, some video download links expire in 10 seconds.
Idea status: under consideration


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